Nerd Cat

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013


Hello my dear Second "A" and "B" students , I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more  about Hamsters!

Watch the following video

Watch the video  about HAMSTERS .

Answer the questions about the video.
Write questions and answers in your notebook. 

Make a drawing of a HAMSTER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. 


1. Can hamsters see colors?

2. How many years do hamsters live?

3. What time of the day do Hamsters sleep?

4. Hamsters are frequently used as:

a) friends

b) pets

c) lab animals

d) food for cats

5. How many teeth do Hamster have when they are grown up?

6. Hamsters are:

a) great friends

b) great pets

c)  fantastic lab animals

d) great diggers

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